Monday 23 September 2013

Mobile Development

With some industry analysts predicting that tablets will outsell PC’c and laptops by the end of this year, it was very timely that Zipporah had already taken steps to improve its offering in the mobile workspace. So from a simple web app to allow an employee to view their jobs for the day through to utilising a full responsive design front end, Zipporah is taking steps to ensure that we stay ahead in meeting the demands of a mobile public that views everything through either a tablet or smartphone.

Despite the .com bubble bursting a number of years ago the Web and its offerings has continued to grow at an extraordinary rate and shown no slow down as an access channel for people to communicate, purchase things and gather information.

This growth has paved the way for technology companies such as Zipporah to explore new ways in which we deliver solutions to satisfy the demands of a generation that has never known a world without email or mobile phones.

To meet these demands we upgraded the architecture of our solutions to a .Net 4 framework, which to the non-techies amongst us, such as myself, doesn’t sound very exciting, so looking beyond a version change why do it then?

Well apart from the enhanced functionality, more stable environments and greater control for customers, it’s the ability to exploit technology to meet the increasing demands of the mobile device that excites us most about this upgrade.

The mobile development has opened up a new world in terms of added features to our solutions, such as enabling an employee to receive a job in real time direct to their device, containing all the information they need to complete said task and report back with status to the job or any updates to notes etc. We didn’t just stop with the mobile workforce; as the responsive design will now allow for our entire customer front end booking solutions to deliver a consistent and exciting view no matter what device they are being accessed from.

We are very much looking forward to seeing how these enhancements will take shape in the “live” environment over the next few months, and bringing you further news about them as we begin the roll-out to our existing clients and a number of exciting new projects.

Jonathan Stewart
Business Development Manager